yok etmek

  1. Verb to abate
  2. Verb to abolish
  3. Verb to annihilate
  4. Verb to counter
  5. Verb to crush
  6. Verb to destroy
  7. Verb to devour
  8. Verb to dispose of
  9. Verb to efface
  10. Verb to eradicate
  11. Verb to mine
  12. Verb to obliterate
  13. Verb to pulverize
  14. Verb to purge
  15. Verb to make short work of sth
  16. Verb to smite
  17. Verb to wipe out
  18. Verb to kill
  19. Verb to reduce something to ashes
  20. Verb to reduce something to rubble
  21. Verb to reduce something to ruins
  22. Verb to remove
(data) disposal Noun, Law
to absorb a sound Verb
to absorb a shock Verb
to eliminate a possibility Verb
to destroy a work of art Verb
to destroy a document Verb
to destroy sb's powers of resistance Verb
to put paid to something Verb
to blow something apart Verb
to wipe out a whole army Verb
to snuff out all opposition Verb
to cut at all one's hopes Verb
to deprive of all value Verb
to cut up the enemy's forces Verb
to deprive of effect Verb
to disinterest Verb
to cover your tracks Verb
to remove traces Verb
to gnaw Verb
to destroy evil practices root and branch Verb
to abstract funds Verb
to wipe out the population Verb
to depoliticize Verb
to derogate from one's dignity Verb
to suppress terror Verb
to consume Verb
to make mincemeat of Verb
to bring to a total ruin Verb
to ruin Verb
to engulf Verb